Stay, or just go away.

Sometimes (or most of the times, with me) you talk about anything and everything. It’s almost like I’m a notepad for you to write your feelings on, and then forget about it. ( Confession : I do that too, but with my diary. )

You tell me what happened in school, what happened amongst your friends that don’t include me, what happened between you and your estranged lover, in between you tell me I’m a great listener.

And silly as I am, I flatter my self. I don’t fish for compliments, but when I do get them, I treasure them a WHOLE LOT.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaand then the tables turn.

It’s my turn.

I need someone to confide in. I need someone to listen to me. Just to listen to me. Someone who can just hear me while I talk with glee about my crush. Or how I fangirl while talking about Benedict’s cheekbones.
Seriously though , fangirls need other people to listen to them.

Oh my god, I’m so sorry, but I have a project I need to submit tomorrow. It’s really important.

I’m really really really sorry, but I just have to go to watch this movie.

Okay, honestly no one said the movie thing, but I have the right to exaggerate. I’m a writer, not a lawyer.

But in a nutshell, how come everyone is busy at the same time, when I need them ?

What do we say about co-incidences, Sherlock ?

Originally posted on my Tumblr


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Caught Up, yet?

UPDATE I do enjoy Economics right now. After a lot of introspection and rethinking all the choices I made during the last year, I realize the fault was not in the subject, not in my friends, not in my choice of crushes, not in anything... Continue →